Immerse in The Herbs

Immerse in The Herbs

Posted by rachel landon on

Bathing is a ritual, so set the stage with love...

Choose a quiet time. Light a candle, lay back with a book, add one of Wilder's herbal bath formulas and immerse yourself in these nutritious herbs. Soaking in a bath infused with herbs is a beneficial way of gleaning their healing constituents, and if you don't have a bath ...then use a foot or hand bath instead. Absorption through the capillaries at these extremities enables the nutrients of the herbs to be absorbed directly by the lymph.


A Recipe For Winter Ailments: Mustard Foot Baths 

I love this old school recipe, it works for me and my family every time and I have offered this over the years through my practice with amazing results. 

Mustard powder used externally acts as a diaphoretic (meaning it induces perspiration) essential when you're full of a cold and congestion, have a fever with raised temperature or generally feeling the chill. Added to a foot bath wrapped in muslin it acts as a rubefacient increasing heat to the skin and capillaries. What you'll need:

  • A heat proof container / foot bath that fits your feet easily.
  • A muslin square and something to tie this with. 
  • 1 tablespoon of Mustard powder. 
  • Hot water to touch. 
  • Pure wool soaks. 
  • A hot water bottle (optional) 

Before bed add the mustard powder to your muslin square. Tie this up and add hot water and your mustard powder pouch to your foot bath. Allow to infuse for 10-15 minutes allowing the water to also cool to touch. Immerse your feet in your foot bath for 15 minutes allowing the mustard to work its magic. Pat your feet dry with a towel and pop on your pure wool soaks (these keep the work going and the wool allows your feet to breath) and hop into bed. Repeat the next day / night if necessary.

Wishing you a wonderful week ahead 

Rachel x

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