Wilder Friends - Selene Collins

Wilder Friends - Selene Collins

Posted by Charlie Landon on

Introducing our first Wilder Friend Selene Collins whom I've known for 30 years now!

Selene has her own practice as a craniosacral therapist and she teaches meditation workshops.

We wanted to share her journey so far with you. 


Please tell us about your life in fashion and why and how you made the transition into studying craniosacral therapy and meditation.


I love colour, design, shiny things so you could say my entry into the fashion industry was rooted in my magpie tendencies. During my 25 year career I opened a store, a showroom and business consultancy. In my latter years I represented young designers and held their hands as we grew their business and navigated the sometimes brutal and relentness rhythm of the industry.

My adrenals were shot, my family not tended to in the way I was happy with. I conjured up my tiger energy and I was brave: I closed my business 5 years ago, with no plan as such, after receiving a download whilst sitting in meditation on the beach on Cambodia on New years day. 

It was time to turn the page and start a new chapter. 

I love this quote by Rumi 'Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray’.   

So I tuned into what moved me and set my heart alight.


I had been a meditator since my 20’s my first training was a teacher training with my dear teacher Alexander Filmer-Lorch. My intention was to deepen my own practice never to teach.

However the universe had other plans! Lockdown happened and I felt the responsibility to share the practices/wisdom that had supported me with my community. I started holding online womens circles and a weekly live meditation on instagram. I have written and offered meditation courses for record companies, fashion brands and other business and held retreats.

I then went on to train with the beautiful Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield as a mindfulness teacher. Today I am working with individuals one to one offering meditation sessions alongside my craniosacral therapy.


 Can you explain to us how craniosacral therapy works.and how do you practice?


I practice at home my home in Kensal Green at the moment. I have converted half of my living room into a serene treatment space. So far all of my amazing clients have come through word of mouth as my website has been on my to do list for tooo long!


Craniosacral therapy is a light touch body work that can relieve holding and stress in the body. 

Together the client and I create an intimate healing collective where I facilitate their healing process, using touch and at times dialogue. 

Central to this work is treating the craniosacral system, the bones, membranes and fluids that protect, support and nourish the central nervous system

in order to improve the central nervous systems function. As the body is an interrelated and interwoven entity, if any area of the body is restricted, unbalanced or compromised it will affect the rest of the body, therefore this gentle therapy can help to release deeply held tensions and patterns and improve the function of other systems, including our digestive, musculoskeletal, respiratory, hormonal and circulatory systems. 


Clients ask me how I came to this work and I guess its a similar story to other therapists and practitioners whom have experienced profound healings or personal transformation from receiving. So I allowed myself be 'silently pulled’ towards becoming a practitioner and ultimately being of service and offering spaces for people to heal and thrive. Its an honour to be doing what I do!


What does your morning look like? 


My mornings always begin with stillness. I sit or lie down and practice meditation for around half an hour (sunday’s off- you have to have a rest day!) . My beautiful husband Jimmy leaves super early for work so he brings me a herbal tea in bed, and I emerge gently. I may journal or read a few pages of a book after my practice. I get the family up and out of the house, then walk the dogs and start seeing clients. I try to move my body daily with some yoga practice. I use the movement for a modern life app as there are great teachers on there and may do anything from 20 minutes to an hour.  I make a weekly pilgrimage to the ladies ponds in Hampstead (rain or shine) as I love swimming and communing with the elements, the trees the animals and the seasons, Its pure magic..


What are your favourite herbs, plants and why? Do you use any of these in your daily routine .


I am obsessed with mugwort at the moment. A beautiful elder gave me a smudge stick a few years ago on a retreat  and I now use it to clear my treatment space as it is really grounding . And its indigenous to the UK and witchy, I love all things witchy! its a great sustainable alternative to using white sage.


I don't really have a beauty routine per se, as I don't wear makeup but I do use Wilder cleansing oil religiously and face oils every day. Sometimes I use the night oil in the day I love the richness and rose scent! I also use your healing heart tincture between clients especially if I have a busy day!


What would you say to someone who finds it hard to meditate ?  


Sitting alone at the beginning of your meditation journey can be difficult. Something truly magic happens when we still/come into presence collectively. A supportive field is created! So join an online or in person group or go on retreat. Once the stillness memory begins to deepen your ability to practice alone will grow. Even the most committed practitioners have days when mind won’t settle and we are disturbed by mental formations.  


Another pearl I will share and one I am constantly being reminded of in my own life is remember fun is a spiritual practice; we can get so serious us adults!. So be playful and curious and try different teachers, groups, apps, techniques and traditions until you find what works for you . What time of day suits you best, do you enjoy walking meditation, body scans lying down, silent practice, guided? 


What do you do for yourself when feeling stressed or overwhelmed ?  


I have so many practices that I lean into in times of overwhelm. One that I have done since I was a child is I lie on the floor. The act of getting low to the ground and feeling the support of the earth works wonders to ease stress. I cuddle my furry friends: I have a cat, a sausage dog and a lab and they are the best nervous system regulators!! I sing, shake, cry, take my shoes off and touch the earth, call a darling friend, journal, put a record on dance like no-one is watching. Whatever it takes to help the emotions move on through!


Can you share with us a book you have found inspirational? 


Everyone needs to read You Belong by Sebene Selassie.  Its a must for anyone who struggles with a sense of belonging (i think thats all of us right?) Sebene’s writing is infused with such honesty and gentle warrior energy. This book helped me accept parts of myself and others that I had rejected. She also has an incredible monthly newsletter that she sends on the full moon which is brimming with wisdom and infused with love. 


Can you share with us your favourite two places in the UK? And why?


I already mentioned the Ladies pond on the Heath so I will share another 2 spots!


Number one is our VW camper van Rae, she sits on our driveway in London. She is our trusty chariot who transports us campsites and fields all over the UK. There is nothing like rocking up to a camp site and setting up. We are pro’s now,  we have it down to 20 minute from pulling in to getting the kettle on and sitting in our canvas camp chairs and taking in beautiful sights and smells of the British countryside. 


The second spot has to be Kudhva ! My beautiful friend Louise is the guardian of this sacred land on a cliff top in North Cornwall.  Lou has created a place for beings to cut the cord from the trappings of modern life.  Analogue living is at the heart of your Kudhva experience. Its like stepping back in time! Every time I spend time there I am there I experience a deep rembering, I remember how precious this life is and I drink in the conversations by the fire, the blanket of stars above me and the technicolour sunsets. I am alive, I am present, I am grateful.

Find Selene on instagram: be_with_selene 

Please contact selene via: me@selenecollins.co.uk 






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